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Old 10-08-10, 11:29 AM   #161
Lex Parsimoniae
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I was just looking at the amps into the 10 ohm load.. 6.8A = 462.4 watts.. (+10 lost=472) is about 94% of the rated power!

But, until today this week has been a real buzz-kill.. Hardly any sun..

Just guessing, I would say the system might be capable of 2 to 2.7 kw of DC output per day.
Long Sunny day that is!!

I do have a device to measure daily production,
But it's limited to 60v, so I can't use it while the array is in the Series configuration. (80v open).

I was thinking about buying 4 more panel connectors, so I could measure each panel, one at a time.
Then, I could just leave the meter on one panel and multiply the watthours by 4..
Or, monitor 2 panels and multiply by 2..

Anyways, I've been thinking about investing in some back-up.
Looking at the idea of a MPPT 48v battery charger to make DC.
(Which I could measure with my new meter).
And use that 48v into my back-up inverters for AC, or direct into backup DC lighting etc.
I need read up on batteries before making up my mind..

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