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Old 11-28-10, 05:07 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by mrd View Post
an air conditioner that runs constantly is actually desired (as long as it can keep the house at your desired temperature) as it does a better job of dehumidifying the longer it runs.
Your A/C should run only half time as most are not designed for 100% duty cycles, a leak in the a/c lines, or a poorly installed a/c system would tend to cause it to run full time.
It also sounds like large house that has issues, if it was built in the or 90's then that is most likely the case as so many short cuts were taken that it might be cheaper just to move on, or burn it down.
but really, to spend your money wisely you might be best off getting an energy audit done, $300 and you will find the issues.
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